14 March 2025
The captains and I were very pleased to attend the World Day of Prayer liturgy today, joining with our parishioners, student representatives from Saint John Paul College and Christians from other local churches. We prayed for the people of the Cook Islands and enjoyed a very special feast afterwards. There’s some more info about this special day further down in the newsletter.

‘Cabin Fever’ is real and the school closure last week took me back to those days when my four children were little and we couldn't go outside because of bad weather! It wasn’t always pretty…I was thinking of you all! Please be assured there were comprehensive discussions around whether or not to open the school on Monday. We were all very glad to see the children back on Tuesday and I just may have seen a few very relieved parent faces around the place. Thanks for your understanding, everyone.
It’s taken a little while to finalise but the Stage 2 Ninja Course/playground has been ordered. Installation will take place in the June/July holiday break. Please say a massive thank you to anyone who volunteers on a Bingo team. The contribution of $70K from our parent body was possible thanks to the week-in week-out efforts of these good people. Thanks so much Bingo volunteers!
We had two special awards at Assembly today. Congratulations to Tilly Elkins-Baker and to Lachlan Herbert who won the Walk Worthy of God Good Sport Award and the Walk Worthy of God Citizenship award, respectively.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend, everyone!
Warm regards

Liz Watts

2025 Dates
- Sunday 16th March - First Holy Communion Mass 11am at Sawtell Catholic Church
- Thursday 20th March - MHOC Cross Country
- Friday 21st March - Harmony Day at MHOC
- Tuesday 25th March - Canteen Red Day
- Wednesday 2nd-3rd April - NSWCPS & CCC Swimming - SOPAC
- Sunday 6th April - Daylight Saving Time Ends
- Thursday 10th April - Last day for students - Term 1
- Friday 11th April - Staff Development Day (Pupil-free day)
- Friday 18th April - Good Friday
- Saturday 19th April - Holy Saturday
- Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday
- Sunday 25th April - ANZAC Day
- Monday 28th - 29th April - Staff Development Days (Pupil Free Days)
- Wednesday 30th April - Term 2 First day for students

Music Performance and Tuition
We were all enthralled to hear the very impressive piano performance by Tye at Assembly this morning. What a gift!
If your child would like tuition, during school hours, in piano or one of the wind instruments, please contact us here at school and we will put you in touch with Paul. (details on our website)
Some of our neighbours have approached us about cars blocking the entrance to their driveways during peak times. Please be mindful of this everyone.
Kindergarten 2026
We’ve had a number of inquiries regarding Kindergarten 2026.
Please note: Whilst the official enrolment period is from the beginning of Term 2, the portal is now open and you are welcome to complete the initial application at your convenience.
This year, ANZAC Day (25th April) falls on the Friday in the second week of the holidays. Each year we have a large presence in the ANZAC Day Parade and remembrance service in Sawtell. We are hoping that we will have many students attending again this year.
There are several opportunities for students to participate:
- March with the school, meeting at 10:45am near the entrance to Sawtell Main Beach.
- If your child is in Years 4-6, they may opt to play in the drum band during the march from 10:45am-11:30am. Please note, preference will be given to Year 6 students and lessons will be provided at school over the next few weeks.
- If your child is in Years 3-6, they may opt to join the ANZAC Choir. They will sing during the ANZAC Day Service after the march at the Lyle Rose Memorial Park in Sawtell from 11:30am. Parents are welcome to join our choir for this event.
Please fill in this form to let us know if your child/ren are able to attend any or all of the ANZAC Day activities:
-ANZAC Day march
-ANZAC Day Drum band
-ANZAC Day choir
Harmony Day
Next Friday, we’ll be celebrating Harmony Day at MHOC. This year’s theme is Harmony- we all have a role to play.
On this day, children will be invited to take part in a cultural dress-up day where they are invited to wear any of the following options to school:
- Traditional cultural dress;
- Significant cultural symbols and/or colours eg national colours, shamrocks etc; or
- Orange (The official Harmony Day colour).
There will also be a few other exciting activities including:
- fun activities at recess and lunchtime accompanied by music from a variety of different cultural backgrounds;
- special treats in the canteen with orange Harmony Day jelly cups available for $1 and orange slushies available for $2;
- our first peer groups for 2025

NAPLAN was a little delayed for north coast schools this year due to Cyclone Alfred. Our Year 3 and Year 5 students will now sit assessments on the following days:
- Monday 17th March- Writing
- Tuesday 18th March- Reading and Conventions of Language
- Wednesday 19th March- Mathematics
What’s Happening in Year 4?
This term, our Year 4 students have been immersing themselves in the exciting world of Reader's Theatre for Drama. Through rehearsing scripts, they have been focusing on enhancing their reading fluency, with particular attention to tone, pacing, and volume. It’s been wonderful to see the students embrace these skills with such enthusiasm, bringing their performances to life in dramatic and engaging ways. We are lucky to have such a vibrant and expressive cohort, and it’s clear that their passion for drama shines through in every rehearsal!

Margaret Ryan
Assistant Principal
Learning & Teaching

Dear God,
As we continue our Lenten journey, help us to open our hearts to Your love and guidance.
Teach us to be patient, kind, and generous to those in need.
Give us the strength to make loving sacrifices and the courage to follow Your path.
May we listen to Your voice in the quiet moments and trust in Your plan for us.
Help us to grow in faith and draw closer to You each day.
World Day of Prayer
Please keep the people of the Cook Islands in your prayers on this World Day of Prayer. Next year, the focus country will be Nigeria.
Thanks Mrs Watts and captains for representing the school on this special day.

What’s Been Happening in Religious Education in Year 5?
At Mary Help of Christians, our Year 5 students have had the wonderful opportunity to meet and bond with their Year 1 buddies, continuing their role in providing pastoral care throughout the school. This buddy system not only allows Year 5 students to demonstrate leadership by guiding and supporting their younger peers but also fosters a strong sense of connection across all year levels. Through this initiative, Year 5 students are developing important skills in empathy and leadership while contributing to a nurturing environment for all at Mary Help of Christians.

First Holy Communion Retreat
This week, our First Holy Communion candidates participated in a special retreat, preparing their hearts and minds to receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. Through prayer, reflection, and activities, they deepened their understanding of this sacred sacrament and what it means to share in God’s love.
As they take this step in their faith journey this Sunday, we pray that they feel the presence of Christ in their hearts and lives.
Congratulations to all our First Holy Communion candidates! May God’s grace shine upon you always!

Term One Class Masses
All parents and carers are invited to attend our weekly class Masses at Sawtell Catholic church AT 9:30am. Don’t forget to stay for a cuppa and some morning tea afterwards. All families and friends are welcome!
Tuesday 18th March - Year 4
Tuesday 25th March - Year 5 and 3 (Please note the Mass change for Year 3 due to NAPLAN)
Tuesday 1st April - Kinder and Year 6
Tuesday 8th April - No Mass

Amber Biddle
Assistant Principal

Toni Fletcher
Leader of

Have you been to Japan?
Please share the place that was the most interesting for you by adding your family sticker to our enormous colouring-in chart in the hall..
The sticker sheets are available and there is a black pen hanging on the top
Have a look next time you’re in the hall at our enormous map of Japan carefully coloured by the students in OOSH, to see where some of the teachers have been.

In our second lesson in Kindergarten, the students were impressively able to pick out their katakana name, even after shuffling the badges.

Hebi san (Mr Snake) is getting to know the students up close during this Japanese zodiac year - The Year of the Snake.

Unicycling has had full numbers each Wednesday at recess in the hall. If you’d like to have a go and you are in Year 3-6, collect a note from Sensei, or look on Compass and come and try it. Trying a new skill together with safety first, takes courage but it is so satisfying once the students get their first controlled roll.

You can bring your own safety gear or use the school’s.
I hope to see you there soon!

Janine Boyd
Japanese Teacher

Outdoor Family Fun Night: Save the Date
Add 2nd May to your calendar for this wonderful family event. There’s delicious treats, a movie on the big outdoor screen and lots of family fun!
From the Catholic Schools Parent Assembly

Jo Melinz
SCF President

MHOC Cross Country
Our 2025 Cross Country Carnival is scheduled for Thursday 20th March. We are praying for sunshine for the day and to dry out our track! Keep an eye out on Compass for more information about the event.

Winter Sports Trials
Some awesome results to come out of the Diocesan Hockey trials this week! Ivy Meehan was successful at this trial and will now progress through to Polding trials in Bathurst in May! A huge achievement for Ivy and great representation for the Lismore Diocese! Go Ivy!

Unfortunately, the Diocesan trials in netball, soccer and rugby league have been postponed due to the current weather conditions. Families involved in these trials will be notified of the new date via Compass as soon as we know.
Diocesan Swimming
On Tuesday our little team of MHOC Super Fish travelled to Murwilllumbah to represent the Clarence Zone at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival. We had some PBs, some ribbons, some progression and even an Age Champion!
Congratulations to the following students who were successful in their events and will now represent Clarence Zone at the Polding championships in Sydney -
Lachlan Herbert, Max Herbert, Mackenzie Carson, Matilda Elkins-Baker

An extra special congratulations to Max Herbert who was awarded 11 yrs Boys Age Champion! This accolade means that Max was the highest performing 11 yr boy at the whole Diocesan Carnival, across every Primary School in the Lismore Diocese! A mammoth achievement for Max and we are so proud!

After School Netball Clinics
This term, Netball NSW will be hosting a 5 week netball clinic at MHOC, starting next Thursday afternoon. Information about the clinics can be found on the flyer below. Nominations can be made through this link.
If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs Bennett (bec.bennett@lism.catholic.edu.au)

Rebecca Bennett
Sports Coordinator

Geraldine Hourigan
Sports Administrator

Term 1 Week 5 & 6
Kinder | Boe Collett, Charlie Jackson, Mason Doman, Huxley Barling, Ariya Dowdy, Violet Roach |
Year 1 | Amelia Rouse, Lucie De Dassel, River Woodgate, Wren McDonald |
Year 2 | Nina Rapley, Cruze Gregory, Henry de Byl, Sage Mergulhao, Florence Van Hoeck |
Year 3 | Cliarah Bergs, Ollie Bulanyi, Obi Griggs, Will Andrews |
Year 4 | Brock Felstead, Kenny Falkiner, Emmy de Dassel, Quinn Woodgate, Quinn Rozyn, Jacob Harrington |
Year 5 | |
Year 6 | Evelyn Nicholls, Patrick Forshaw, Zoey Dawson |

Canteen Red Day - Hot Dogs

New Item Alert

Canteen Helpers
Parent and grandparent volunteers are always needed and welcome. Please phone the school, complete this form or email sawp-canteen@lism.catholic.edu.au if you can spare some time in the canteen.

Lisa Mangan
Canteen Manager

Scholastic Bookclub catalogues went home last week. Remember it’s easy to order and pay through the Scholastic website. For those of you who are new to using the website, follow this link to the Scholastic page that gives you all the information for online ordering. https://scholastic.com.au/book-club/book-club-parents/ If you want to order through the school, please make sure you have the order form filled out with the student’s name and grade and the correct money. You can hand those in to the school office. Bookclub orders will be closing on Wednesday 19th March.
I’ve already aid it so many times, but one of the favourite things about my job is matching books with readers. This week, I was so pleased to be able to help Quinn find a book that really interests her. She even came in to show me how far she’d gotten in the book and asked if we had any more like it! It was also really gratifying to see her friend Peyton with her, while they talked about books! It just proves my saying that there is the right book out there for everyone; you just have to take the time to find it.

There’s been an intense game of Spot It! going on during lunchtimes this week. The players take it so seriously and the group has grown each day. Love it!

Rachael Hewitt

The Sacrament of Baptism is available to those requesting it. Please ring Jennifer at the Parish Office (66583544) or talk to Amber Biddle, Liz Watts or Margaret Ryan at school if you have any questions. Alternatively, if you wish to register for Baptism, there is now the option of an online request form .
Parish Website , E-bulletin & Facebook Page
For all the latest news from our parish, check out the Parish website or subscribe to our new e-bulletin which can be sent directly to your inbox each week. Why not sign up today by entering your details in the sign up box on the Homepage or Contact page of the website!
And don’t forget to check out our FaceBook page
Carolyn & Marja